Samstag, 18. Februar 2012

Two new pen pals

Hello everybody :)
How have you been? I am quite good, I wrote my last exam yesterday and now I am FREE (not, because I'll have to write to essays with 20 pages each...). Let's see what I sent and received the last days.

Yesterday I sent another "Where's Wally" postcard to my goddaughter. (Sorry for the neck pain, it just won't turn around - aaah I do not like that about blogger!)
Where's Wally

I received an introduction letter from a new penpal - A. from the Czech Republic. It was printed out and not that special, but here it is:
First letter from A.
That was all the mail from yesterday.

Today I went to the post office again to send these:
First, two postcrossing cards, one to Austria (the user wanted hearts) and one to Japan (that user wanted to see Santa Claus all year round)
Hearts to Austria

Santa Claus to Japan

I also mailed my reply to A. from the Czech Republic.
Reply to A.
I like the paper I used to make the envelope. 

And today I received a very very neat envelope - from another new penpal, M. from the Netherlands!
First letter from M.
Very very pretty, right? I am absolutely in love with that envelope. Also the content was really nice.

Letter from M.
A nice letter, some tea and some small tags. That letter did make my day :) I already wrote a reply but forgot to take a picture just until I had closed the envelope - I also sent a letter, a picture taken in Colombia and a postcard depicting a lighthouse. Do you also like lighthouses? I always wanted to live in one :)
Reply to M.
I will send the letter on monday. 
What are your plans for the weekend? Anything interesting?

Alles Liebe,

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