Dienstag, 19. November 2013

Cutest postcard ever

Yesterday I got the best postcard in a long while - I had some of these blank prestamped postcards and passed them on to my goddaughter this summer because they aren't really of a use to me and I thought she might like them.

And here's what I found in my PO Box yesterday - so cute :)

I hope you're all doing well!

Donnerstag, 7. November 2013

Postcards from around the World # 6 - Czech Republic

Just a quick update with another postcard I got in October - my mother went to Prague for a weekend and remembered to send me a postcard :)

I haven't been yet which is a shame, because it is said to be a very beautiful (yet touristy of course) city, but who knows, maybe I'll get a chance to visit the city and country in the next year. It's an odd feeling to know that there are still a few neighbouring countries of Germany which I haven't seen.

I also loved the stamp and the clear postage mark!

Alles Liebe,

Sonntag, 3. November 2013

Happy Diwali!

I got a letter from Amit on Wednesday. If you know Amit, you also know that he uses amazing stamps. I love these! Aren't they incredibly pretty?

Amit sent me a card wishin me a happy Diwali. Diwali is the Festival of Lights celebrated across India and apparently a very colourful festival, Amit told me he was already looking for clay lamps when he was writing the letter. I'm so happy that the card reached me on time.

Did you learn anything interesting from through the mail lately? I never heard of this festival before and loved learning about it.

Alles Liebe,